Effect of metamaterials in turbulent boundary layers
Surface texturing, porosity, and subsurface compliance have shown some success in passively controlling drag and separation, but are largely limited to static configurations or theoretical demonstrations. Active flow control strategies can adapt to changes in the flow, but are complex, inefficient, and fragile in their operating envelope. Recent advances in mechanical metamaterials and elastodynamic materials have shown that novel dynamic properties can be engineered into the surface and subsurface of materials, suggesting an enticing possibility for structures that can generate passive, local, adaptive, and dynamic flow alterations to complex flows. Realizing this possibility would make transition delay, drag reduction, and separation control a reality.
In this project, we will establish the field of fluid-metamaterial interaction that will discover and enable new fluid-structure-coupling between innovative materials and critical aerodynamic flows. The most prominent flow challenges currently inhibiting advances in aircraft performance are laminar-toturbulent transition, turbulent drag, smooth-body separation and shock-boundary layer interactions.
Ocean-wave/sea-ice interaction
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report states that it is very likely that climate change-induced sea level rise will affect much of the world’s coasts in the coming decades. An estimated 800 million people are likely to experience the impacts of high-tide flooding by the end of the 21st century, even if the Paris climate agreement target is met. The United Nations estimates that the potential costs of damage to harbors and ports alone from this flooding could be as high as $111.6 billion by 2050 and $367.2 billion by the end of the century. Quantifying the pace of global and local sea level rise is essential for effective adaptation as well as sustainable development.
In this project, our goal is to understand how ocean waves and sea ice interact to develop better models that can provide accurate predictions of how the melt rate of sea ice can be impacted by ocean boundary layers.